Privacy Policy Page




Do I need to create an account to purchase?
It is advisable to. By creating an account with us, it enables you to Place Orders and See the Prices.

In your account you keep track of your purchase history, payment status and also saves you time from having to fill in your address details for every order you place with us. Do be assured that MeloAutoParts will keep all of our customers’ personal particulars and information confidential.

I am currently facing problems ordering in-stock items in the website. What should I do?
If you are unable to cart out the items, chances are that the item is already out of stock. You may want to call us at 02-851-89930;  SMS us at 09173165586 or chat at Messenger logo showing at below for updates on the availability of the item.

Can I amend my order upon check out?
All orders are placed and confirmed after the final checkout. Hence, do ensure everything is correct before carting out.

Do you offer Delivery services?
NO. we don’t have delivery services, all orders buyer need provide the shipment or delivery.
Manila area buyer can book Lalamove for pickup at Shop.
Province area, Buyer can Receive the item Thru LBC or J&T courier

Operating hours are only from Monday-Saturday  8am-6pm,  Sunday were Closed

How will I know if my order is confirmed?
After you have placed your order, you will receive an acknowledgement e-mail with an order reference number from us to confirm that your orders have been received. However, do note that orders will only be shipped when you informed us the payment method paid.  Alternatively, you may chat us using the Messenger Logo below



When will my order be processed?
All in-stock orders will be processed and shipped within same Day, excluding weekends

Shipping internationally?
NO, Only inside the Philippines

How long will it take for me to receive my order?
If Manila area is the same day, Province area take 2 to 5 Days.

Can I change my shipping address after my order has been confirmed?
Yes, You can change your address but need to chat with us Using the Messenger logo Below